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Friday, 31 October 2014

Sooooo Tired!!

Sorry everybody!!! I have not die. I just need a big recovery after some big tests that my stupid teachers give. But still I'm BACK!!

Today Special:

Chemical symbol for household things.

Here are some chemical symbols for household things.

Salt- NaCl
Sugar- C6H12O6
Borax- Na2B4O7
Vinegar- Usually CH3COOH
Baking Soda/Baking Powder- NaHCO3
Soap- Usually NaOH
Toothpaste- MgOH2
Lemon juice- C6H8O7
Egg Shells- CaCO3

(Na- Sodium), (Cl- Chlorine), (C- Carbon)
(H- Hydrogen), (O- Oxygen)
(OH- Hydroxide), (N- Nitrogen)

This is part 1 of Chemistry in the house! In the next part, I will be telling you about some household chemistry you can do! So, get your notebook and jot them down. Feel free to write comment below. Bye!!!!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Plants will always stare at you....

Let's start this with a story. 

             By the time, you reached the swamp in a gigantic jungle, you feel something creepy. When you turn your body to the right, you see a plant with many eyes seeing you just like the plant below....

OK, OK, I will stop fooling around but there is a plant just like the one above is called the "Doll's Eyes" plant.

Doll's Eyes plant

Doll's eyes plant or its scientific name called Actaea pachypoda.  It's a flowering plant and the doll's eyes that we see are berry, white baneberry for exact. It can be 50cm tall or more (1 1/2 feet tall and nearly 3 feet wide) and its leaves can up to 40cm long and 30cm wide ( Wow! This big!). The whole plant is danger to us or humans, especially the berries. The berries contains cardiogenic toxins whixh can effect our cardiac muscle tissue. However, the berries are harmless to birds, the plant's primary seed dispersers.

There is all I got about this plant so I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment. So, thanks and goodbye.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Hot n Cold

Me: Hi, Everybody! Welcome to another chemistry post. I have a surprise in this post!

???: Hey master! I have got your things for the experiment that you want for your blog!

Me: Robbie!  You have ruined the blog already!!!!! Ok, you all know what the surprise is, right? So, I will hand over this experiment to my trusty computer, Robbie

Robbie: ;.)

Experiment for today

For this experiment, you will need prepare
  • Three beakers
  • Hot water
  • Cold water
  • warm water
 And here is the steps:
  1. Label the three beaker as Beaker A, Beaker B and Beaker C.
  2. Pour hot water in Beaker A
  3. Pour warm water in Beaker B
  4. Pour cold water in Beaker C
  5. Now, put your left hand into Beaker A and put your right hand in Beaker C
  6. After 2 minutes, put both hands into Beaker B.
Observation: When you put both hands into Beaker B, your left will feel cold while your right hand will feel could.

Me (walking by): Ok! Go doing your chores now and leave explanation for me.

Robbie: :.(

Define Hot n Cold

A lot people will say that the hotness or the coldness of an object is depend to the temperature. However from the experiment, how can we feel cold and hot in a same temperature water. That means the temperature doesn't really shows the hot or cold.

So, what is hot and cold? 

How hot you are is depend on how much temperature has you increase and vice versa

Part 1: How hot you are is depend on how much temperature has you increase and vice versa.

Still based on the experiment, why we will feel hot and cold in the same water. Let's see the experiment again. 

Left hand
 Ex: the hot water is 30°C and the warm water is 23°C.. So, the difference of temperature is 7°C and the temperature from Beaker A to B has decreased. So, we will feel cold.

Right Hand
 Ex: the warm water is 23°C and the cold water is 16°C.. So, the difference of temperature is 7°C and the temperature from Beaker B to C has increased. So, we will feel hot.

So, that means when the temperature of an object increased more, the object will get more hotter. Same as cold as well. When the temperature of an object decreased more, the object will get more colder.

Robbie: You're hot then cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down. 

Me: Robbie stop singing is annoying

Robbie: Double :.(

This is the end of the post. Feel free to comment about this posts. So, see you soon. Bye.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

The Law Of LAW

In this Science of SCIENCE posts, I will be covering "The Law Of LAW". The laws are actually very easy. So, stick with me and we will travel one of the law, actually is there are three. However, we will still need to know the person who invented ----Isaac Newton

Portrait of man in black with shoulder-length, wavy brown hair, a large sharp nose, and a distracted gaze

Isaac Newton

  Isaac Newton was born 25 December 1642 at Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He had given a lot of contributions on Mathematics ,Physics ,Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Alchemy and Christian Theology Economics (but we will focus on physics today). He died at the aged of 84 (20 March 1726) at Kensington, Middlesex, England, Great Britain.

Now the law part, There are three main law that we are going to focus

  • Newton First Law Of Motion
  • Newton Second Law of Motion
  • Newton Third Law of Motion
Let's go back to the drawing block.

Newton First Law Of Motion

  Newton First Law of Motion is talking about inertia. What is inertia? Let's me back to basics. When Issac Newton invented this law, he said "When a thing is moving, it will be going in a straight line." However, there is a thing say this is wrong. Because frictional force and gravity will slow things down. So still, what is inertia? Inertia happened when a object is travelling at a speed and suddenly stop by a force. You will see that the object move forward a bit. This is inertia.


  When the bus moves and suddenly stops, the people in the bus will move front.

Newton Second Law Of Motion

  We will learn about A Formula which is 


F (Net Force)

m (Mass)

a (Acceleration)

   It will explain what is net force and acceleration. Net force is the total force that act on an object while acceleration is how fast or slow an object is. And another thing, if a thing falls from midair, its acceleration is 10 m/s2.


The student at the right use more force than the student at the left. It is because the heavier the stone, the more force is used to pull the stone.

 Newton Third Law Of Motion

  In this law, it's just talking about the force that act upon an object and the opposite force, Don't understand? Ok! let me break down. It's just like this. if you push a thing, there you be a pull force equal to the push force.


When you punch the wall harder, you will feel more pain. It's because the force you puch on the wall is equal to the force that act on your hand.

Here you are! the three law of motion from Isaac Newton. I hope you will enjoy this post. Feel free to comment below. So, bye.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Is it a squirrel? Is it a monkey?

I found interesting when I saw it at my national zoo. So, I do some researches on it and here's the results.

Squirrel Monkey

So, when i saw this little fellow at the zoo, I stared at it for a long time. I was thinking that is it a squirrel or a monkey. But, we can apparently see that it is a monkey. And here's the researched that I found in these two days.

Physical Description

  Squirrel monkeys have short fur and usually the fur are olive colour at the shoulder and yellowish orange colour at the back. Their throat and ears are white while their mouth are black in colour. And due to their white and black face, they have a name called "death's head monkey". They can be 25 until 35 cm tall. The male squirrel monkey can weigh as much as 750 to 1100 kg while the female can weigh as much as 500 to 750 kg. They also have a long , hairy tail that can be 35 to 42 cm long.

Behaviour and Ecology

Squirrel Monkey and New World Monkey

  The squirrel monkeys are just like the New World monkey, they are both diurnal ( activity at the day and sleep at the night) and arboreal (usually like to be on the tree). However, they are still some difference between squirrel monkey and the New World monkey. Unlike the New World monkey, squirrel monkeys don't use their tails for climbing, instead they used it as a tool for balance. Furthermore, they can move rapidly between branches to branches.

Home Making

  They love to live in a large group until it contains an amount of 500 monkeys! That will be so cute! This is useful because they can use their voice to warn other monkeys from falcon. For marking territory (home), they usually rub urine on their tail and body.

Eating Habits

  Squirrel monkeys are omnivores. They eating primarily fruits and insects. They will also eat seeds, flowers, leaves etc.

I think that's all I can get. I don't really want to write about the giving birth for female, but if you are interested with it, you can check it on the wikipedia.

I hope you enjoy this posts. I don't know should I keep it short, so leave a comment below for suggestion. I think here the end, I will see you in the next posts, bye.

Friday, 19 September 2014

1/2 metal ?

So, I assume you have seen today's title "1/2 metal". Ok! Today topics is actually all about element BUT I will focus more on 1/2 metal aka semi metal

Today content will separate to 3 parts
(If you are only interested in the semi metal, just skip into part 3.)


Element, element, element...... What is element? Element is a certain object which has only one type of atom, just like if the boy bathroom is a element, the boys in it the atoms and there are 1 type of atom which are the boys. Now the real element, here's some examples on element.
Ex 1 : Hydrogen, there are only 1 type of atoms which are hydrogen atoms
Ex 2 : Bromine, there are only 1 type of atoms which are bromine atoms
Ex 3 : Even the oxygen that we talk about in the last chemistry posts is a element. It only has a type of atoms which are oxygen atoms.

Element can classify into three group
- Metal
- Non-metal
- Semi metal
In this part, we will be covering metal & non-metal first. Here's the properties of metal and non-metal.

Properties of metal:
1) Strong
2) Malleable
3) React with oxygen to form basic (alkaline) oxides
4) High melting and boiling point
5) Good conductors of electricity and heat
6) When they are form into ions, they are positive ions.
7) High density
8) Example : Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, Lead, Tin, Aluminium and Calcium

Properties of non-metal
1) Brittle (Easy to break)
2) React with oxygen to from acidic oxides
3) Low melting and boiling points
4) Poor conductors of electricity and heat
5) When they are form into ions, they are negative ions expect hydrogen ions.
6) Low density
7) Example : Oxygen, Helium, Chlorine, Carbon,Sulphur and Neon

Now the uses of metal and non-metal and the properties that caused people make it
(Properties → Uses)

Uses of metals
1) Hard & shiny appearance → to make jewellery
2) Good conductors of heat → to make pans
3) Malleable & good conductors of electricity → to make electrical cables and wire
4) Strong → to build scaffolding and bridges

Strong enough to build scaffolding

Uses of non-metal
1) Poor conductors of electricity → to make insulating materials around wire cables.
2) Poor conductors of heat → to make pan handle
3) Low density → to make hovercraft float
4) Low melting point & boiling points → use as fossils fuels to cook food

Fossils Fuels for cooking

Now the interesting part, semi metal or metelloids or I like to called it 1/2 metal. Semi metal has the properties of both metal and non-metal. Here's the properties and uses for each semi metal.

Properties of semi metal
1) Solid state in room temperature
2) Brittle
3) Semi conductors (not good and not poor conductors of electricity and heat)
4) React with metal to form alloys
5) There are only 7 semi metal have been found which are Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium and Polonium.

Uses of each semi metal
1) Boron and Silicon
These are borosilicate glass beaker. By using borosilicate glass on beaker or other stuff, it will hard to crack when heated. It is because it has a low rate of expansion

2) Arsenic
Arsenic or chromated copper arsenate (CCA) for exact, is an alloy of chromium, copper and arsenic. CCA is used for preserving wood and timber treatment.

3) Silicon
Jade and topaz are silicon compound or we usually called it silicate. These silicate are usually use for jewellery and necklace.

4) Germanium
Germanium is also used as a catalyst. A catalyst is used to speed up or slow down a chemical reaction. The catalyst does not undergo any chemical change during the reaction. Germanium catalysts are used primarily in the production of plastics 

5) Antimony

Antimony used in alloy like antimonial lead to greatly increases the hardness and mechanical strength of lead

6) Tellurium

Tellurium is added to lead to increase its strength and resistance to sulfuric acid

7) Polonium

Polonium is used on brushes for removing dust from photographic films

Ok! I have now totally cover the whole topics of element. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment below. Thank you for stopping by.