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Saturday, 27 September 2014

Hot n Cold

Me: Hi, Everybody! Welcome to another chemistry post. I have a surprise in this post!

???: Hey master! I have got your things for the experiment that you want for your blog!

Me: Robbie!  You have ruined the blog already!!!!! Ok, you all know what the surprise is, right? So, I will hand over this experiment to my trusty computer, Robbie

Robbie: ;.)

Experiment for today

For this experiment, you will need prepare
  • Three beakers
  • Hot water
  • Cold water
  • warm water
 And here is the steps:
  1. Label the three beaker as Beaker A, Beaker B and Beaker C.
  2. Pour hot water in Beaker A
  3. Pour warm water in Beaker B
  4. Pour cold water in Beaker C
  5. Now, put your left hand into Beaker A and put your right hand in Beaker C
  6. After 2 minutes, put both hands into Beaker B.
Observation: When you put both hands into Beaker B, your left will feel cold while your right hand will feel could.

Me (walking by): Ok! Go doing your chores now and leave explanation for me.

Robbie: :.(

Define Hot n Cold

A lot people will say that the hotness or the coldness of an object is depend to the temperature. However from the experiment, how can we feel cold and hot in a same temperature water. That means the temperature doesn't really shows the hot or cold.

So, what is hot and cold? 

How hot you are is depend on how much temperature has you increase and vice versa

Part 1: How hot you are is depend on how much temperature has you increase and vice versa.

Still based on the experiment, why we will feel hot and cold in the same water. Let's see the experiment again. 

Left hand
 Ex: the hot water is 30°C and the warm water is 23°C.. So, the difference of temperature is 7°C and the temperature from Beaker A to B has decreased. So, we will feel cold.

Right Hand
 Ex: the warm water is 23°C and the cold water is 16°C.. So, the difference of temperature is 7°C and the temperature from Beaker B to C has increased. So, we will feel hot.

So, that means when the temperature of an object increased more, the object will get more hotter. Same as cold as well. When the temperature of an object decreased more, the object will get more colder.

Robbie: You're hot then cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down. 

Me: Robbie stop singing is annoying

Robbie: Double :.(

This is the end of the post. Feel free to comment about this posts. So, see you soon. Bye.

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