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Monday, 15 September 2014

What a pity, grass!

Watch a blade of grass
Dance happily in the wind
Green and full of life...
Oh! Hello! You didn't come to a literature class, this is the science of SCIENCE class. Well you can tell what is today biology topics, right? No, it's not about how to enjoy life, it's about GRASS! So, some might ask "Why grass, it's just a piece of jerk!" But no, grass is important to us. However, let's cover the basics of grass. Shall we?

(Grass)                                                        (Zoysia)                                
The chacteristic of grass
→It's a monocotyledon plant
→It belongs to the Poaceae family
→Its flower called Zoysia
→It has a short stem                                                                              
→Most of the whole plant is leaf                                                                
→It's efficient in photosynthesis
(Most importantly)
→→Cereals and bamboo are also grass!!
Now we have done the basics, let's get advanced a bit.... THE IMPORTANT OF GRASS
The important of grass
(I called them "grass")

◆Cereals or I like to call it grass such as barley, wheat, millet, rye, rice, corn and sorghum are important food source of carbohydrates. And what we know about carbohydrates.....THEY PROVIDES ENERGY!
◆Other than the examples I have given, suger cane is a type of grass too. Well in the suger cane department, they provide or refine sugar. Sugar or glucose in a scientic way also provide energy to our body.
◆Now how do we get protein and fats? That will be from the cow and sheep. And what they eat? GRASS of course! So that means, no grass→ no cow, pig, sheep, chicken and more→ no protein and fat for us:'(

(Bamboo Structure)

◆Bamboo can be used as a materials on building structures. They use bamboo in building in many parts of the world
◆Grass is also used as a binder in bricks. Grass in the bricks will bind the mud together, making it stronger and used less mud

(Grass will say no no no to soil erosion)

◆Although grass has short stems and most of the plant is leaf, its root provides contribution to the enviroment by holding the soil. By holding the soil, it can prevent soil erosion
◆Their abundant leaves cover above the ground can reduces impact of rainfall. And it will eventually prevent soil erosion
◆Their leaves can also temporarily hold the water after a rainfall so the water can dissipate by evaporation instead of running off. This basically can prevent..... soil erosion!!
◆Let's quit the soil erosion thing and back on the track. We know that grass dominate the plant cover in this natural world. When grass dead or decay, it gives out organic matter which acts like a fertilizer to make the soil healthier
◆Grass can maintain the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air. This phenomena occur when photosyntesis of grass happened.
◆In the air, 78 °/。are nitrogen and grass can maintain percentage of nitrogen in the air throughout the nitrogen cycle.

Me: Why can't we be like grass?
        When  it gets stepped on, it gets
        back on.
Someone: SHUT UP!!

Ok, ok! Here you are! The answer for "How important grass is?" Hope you enjoy this 'lesson'. Feel free to comment on this blog and posts. 


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