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Sunday, 14 September 2014

First person to space

Because this the first astromony post, let's start it with a simple astromony class! Ok, the only question I will ask is "Who was the first person reached space?" Probably, 9 out of 10 people say NEIL ARMSTRONG! But unfortunately, that's wrong! 
At this point, some people may ask, "Who is Neil Armstrong?"  Here is a story about him.
Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong or his full name Neil Alden Armstrong was a USAF (United States Air Force) army and a NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) astronout. He was born on 5th August 1930, in Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA. He got his bachelor's degree in Purdue University in 1955 and graduated in University of Southen California in the year 1970. Now, the interesting part ... THE SPACE EXPLORATION. He had travelled in space for 8 DAYS 14 HOURS 12 MINUTES 30 SECONDS in total! He had only travelled in 2 different missions which were:
(First docking in space)

Gemini 8 (1966)
In this misson, Neil Armstrong was a command pilot. He achieved a 'first' in space which was the first man who docked two spacecraft (connecting two spacecraft together) with a pilot named David Scott.
(First person / spaceship on moon)

Apollo 11 (1969)
Now in this mission, he had upgraded to become a mission commander. He also achieved another 'first' in space which was the first person who reached moon, not space! He and another astronout named Buzz Aldin descended on the lunar (moon) surface for 2 hours and 30 minutes while another astronout, Micheal Collins, remained in the lunar orbit in the Command Collin.
The Apollo 11 was his second and last mission. By the time he reached 82 years old ( 25th August 2012), he died in Cincinnati, Ohio, Usa due to cardiovascular dieases.
Let's get back to the question. "Who was the first person reached space?" We know that is not Neil Armstrong. So, who was he? Here is a story about this guy named Yuri Gagarin.
Yuri Gagarin
Yuri Gagarin or his full name Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was born on 9th March 1934 in Klushino, Russian SFSR, Sovient Union. He also worked as a Russian-Soviet pilot. Not much stories about him but another 2 missions
(First person / spaceship in space)

Vostok 1 (1961)
On 12th April 1961, Yuri Gagarin had definately 'won' a 'first' award what I called THE FIRST PERSON WHO REACHED SPACE AWARD. He had completely orbit the Earth for 1 hour 48 minutes. This had become a hit news during that time.
(Ended in fatal crash!!!)

Soyuz 1 (1967)
In this mission, Yuri Gagarin was unfortunately served as a backup crew. Luckily, he was not in the space ship because the space ship ended in a fatal crash.
Poor Yuri because only he got a chance to travel to space. He died when he was 34 years old which was on 27th March 1968 in Novosyolovo, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union due to a crash about a MIG-15 training jet which he was piloting
Ding...... The bell rings, that means this post has ended. Hope u enjoy this class. Feel free to comment my blog and posts. Thanks for 'paying attention in class'!!

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