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Friday 31 October 2014

Sooooo Tired!!

Sorry everybody!!! I have not die. I just need a big recovery after some big tests that my stupid teachers give. But still I'm BACK!!

Today Special:

Chemical symbol for household things.

Here are some chemical symbols for household things.

Salt- NaCl
Sugar- C6H12O6
Borax- Na2B4O7
Vinegar- Usually CH3COOH
Baking Soda/Baking Powder- NaHCO3
Soap- Usually NaOH
Toothpaste- MgOH2
Lemon juice- C6H8O7
Egg Shells- CaCO3

(Na- Sodium), (Cl- Chlorine), (C- Carbon)
(H- Hydrogen), (O- Oxygen)
(OH- Hydroxide), (N- Nitrogen)

This is part 1 of Chemistry in the house! In the next part, I will be telling you about some household chemistry you can do! So, get your notebook and jot them down. Feel free to write comment below. Bye!!!!